Tuesday 15 May 2012

I am

Sad today. I don't really know why.

I don't have my camera with me today, but have been going over some of my older shots. Recalling when and where I was, how I felt, what I was thinking at the time.

A thousand words? I think photos hold much more than that.

They're a singular moment, and more. Everything that ever was, a slice of the infinite captured and recorded.

Below is the first picture I took with my F90. I'd just stepped outside my apartment in New Farm, felt the warmth of the sun on my face and looked up as I heard the familiar sound of a plane. Brought the camera to my face and clicked the shutter release.

In this one picture: my love of photography, my (long since shattered) dreams of becoming a pilot, the memories of that apartment (The good and the bad), the wet smudge where the photo shop messed up the scan, and though I don't know it, all of their experiences too. I have no idea how many photos my camera had taken before this one, as it was used, but the things this camera has seen, the people behind it, the collected experiences of everyone who has come into contact with this camera, everyone on that plane...

Everything that ever was is held within this photo.

You might see it and see nothing of worth. Just a blue sky, some clouds and a plane.

I see so much more, and noone will see it the same as I.

That's why I love photography.