Saturday 23 June 2012

Late-night PhotoVenture!

Spontaneous leaving of the house to go take pictures. :D

Left the 50mm on there; set to ISO1600 (No monopod. So much noise.) and walked around some parts of the city with Sally.

Think I got a few good ones, definitely a lot of bad ones.

Roughly 1/20 of a second shots meant I had to do a lot of retakes to make sure I at least got one that was in focus. And that only worked about 20% of the time. Probably less.

Anyway! Here are a select few from the evening!

Took 'Stuart' with us and put him in several of the shots, just so there'd be something to focus on. :D

I think my favourite is the one with Sally holding Stuart by her side. Actually both of them. I can't decide which of the two I like better...

For the last three in the set, (Before my battery died) I switched to the 16-85 f3.5 VR for some tests at 50mm. Definitely lets less light in, but the VR means sharper shots... *does hand scales motion*

Tuesday 15 May 2012

I am

Sad today. I don't really know why.

I don't have my camera with me today, but have been going over some of my older shots. Recalling when and where I was, how I felt, what I was thinking at the time.

A thousand words? I think photos hold much more than that.

They're a singular moment, and more. Everything that ever was, a slice of the infinite captured and recorded.

Below is the first picture I took with my F90. I'd just stepped outside my apartment in New Farm, felt the warmth of the sun on my face and looked up as I heard the familiar sound of a plane. Brought the camera to my face and clicked the shutter release.

In this one picture: my love of photography, my (long since shattered) dreams of becoming a pilot, the memories of that apartment (The good and the bad), the wet smudge where the photo shop messed up the scan, and though I don't know it, all of their experiences too. I have no idea how many photos my camera had taken before this one, as it was used, but the things this camera has seen, the people behind it, the collected experiences of everyone who has come into contact with this camera, everyone on that plane...

Everything that ever was is held within this photo.

You might see it and see nothing of worth. Just a blue sky, some clouds and a plane.

I see so much more, and noone will see it the same as I.

That's why I love photography.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Lens Test!

I really didn't like the 28-200 when I got it, focusing was just so slow and only hit about 1/4 shots for what I wanted to focus on. Not sure why that is, could purely be human error.

Anyway; did some tests today after I discovered what the LIMIT/FULL switch does. Focusing time halved on things 2ft to Infinity. Apparently due to the gearing on the thing it takes just as long to focus from min distance to 2ft as it does 2ft to infinity, and cycled through the WHOLE range when trying to focus. The limit switch just cuts off min to 2ft.

Anyway; it's pretty darn sharp, albeit a bit slow on shutter speed. Negated with flash though. :D

These shots were both taken at minimum focusing distance, at 28 and 200mm respectively. Flash bounced off ceiling. 

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Thanks to the internet hero known as "Marc", I have a .45x wide angle adapter for my camera! :D

Haven't had much of a chance to use it yet, but did get one or two good shots out of my first test.

The first is Luigi having a day in the sun, wide angle adapter and I was lying on the grass, this is a mix of a few different exposures, without getting much of that super fake HDR feel.

The second I was sitting by the river; about to take a shot of the city. Heard he flapping of wings behind me and guessed where it would come through. Got a pretty good one. :D Slightly photoshopped to get rid of the distortion caused by the adapter. Just by eye so I'm not sure it is correct. And looking at the thumbnail now I need to rotate it a bit.

Third is another pano stitch shot, using the adapter. Photoshoop did a pretty good job of fixing the distortion on the fly and then stitching. Pretty happy with the options this could provide later. :D

Still, should be a lot of fun over the next few weeks! :D And having a wide angle lens, however fake, is good fun. :)

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Discovered a new way to stitch shots together to get impossible depth of field/FoV out of a standard 50mm lens taking shots at f2.8 to f1.8

Some of the equivalent lenses/fstops needed to take these shots ranged from:

22mm, f1.2
20mm, f0.7
15mm, f0.5

I know these lenses don't exist. But if they did, they would have taken these kinds of shots. :D

I am excited about the possibilites of this kind of photography! :D And very happy with how these turned out.

Inspired by Ryan Brenizer.

Monday 9 April 2012

Easter at Pomona

Went up to Pomona, west of Noosaville, to my friend's parent's place for Easter.

It's my friends' wedding in October and I have been asked to do some of the photography, which is pretty exciting.

So, what better way to practice than at the venu itself! Also a good test run on the camera. I think everyone got preeeeetty sick of my taking photos by the end of the weekend. But I learnt a lot about my camera and taking different kinds of shots. Also found out that one zoom lens doesn't work, and the other focuses waaay toooo slooooow.

Really happy with how a few of these shots came out.

All in all, best weekend? Best weekend.

All photos resized, but otherwise straight from the camera.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Light-painting with a Nightlight.

 So I have this little Tricerotops nightlight thing. Pretty handy when I don't feel like switching on the lights and blinding myself silly in the middle of the night. It changes colour every few seconds while it's on, and I decided to use this to do some light painting of sorts.

First shot was moving the light around like a halo over the camera. The second was the same for the first few seconds, Then I started doing vertical passes behind the bottle. Turned out pretty awesome I think. :D

Thursday 22 March 2012

Running Late

For CG Modelling, so obviously I stopped to take a photo of this spider that caught my eye.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


From the top of Kangaroo Point.
20sec @ f8 on a manual 24mm f.28 lens on the D200

DxO'd the horizon line a bit as I had it balanced on a not-quite-flat rock. XD